One of the best activities to support your local community is to visit a farmer’s market. Use it as an opportunity to take a break and enjoy some fresh air…head out on your own, make it a family affair or grab a friend and catch up over an iced coffee while you shop for food to cook together. Any way you choose to enjoy it, don’t overthink it, just get out there and have some fun.

Seasonal produce is beautiful and abundant, which makes cooking a breeze if you let it be the star. It doesn’t need to be complicated to be delicious, so stick with a simple salad, grilled veggies or sliced fruit drizzled with honey and yogurt. I love switching up the ingredients as the seasonal bounties change.
Go with a plan, but don’t be afraid to be spontaneous if you see something that’s fresh and catches your eye. The internet makes it easy to google recipes with specific ingredients, so buy now and get inspired later. Sometimes tapping into your own creativity is half the fun. When in doubt, chat up the vendors for some insight.
Go early for the best selection. My routine is to grab a beverage and make a full loop around the market, checking out what looks good and making mental notes of what I want to add to my tote. After that, I make a second loop, this time purchasing those items I’m interested in.
And no trip to the farmer’s market is complete without some fresh flowers. Pick up a bouquet to brighten your home. Just like produce, they too are seasonal, so it’s fun to watch the options change. Arrange loosely in a vase, jar or pitcher. And yes, it’s perfectly acceptable to buy them just for yourself!
And to finish things off, here's a simple recipe that comes together in a snap, inspired by recent farmer's market success!

Little Gem lettuce, 3 heads, chopped
2 peaches, sliced into thin wedges
I large ball burrata, pulled apart into pieces
1/3 cup granola
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Fig Jam
½ tsp Dijon mustard
¼ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 Tbsp Sherry or Champagne Vinegar
1-2 Tbsp chopped fresh chives
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine all vinaigrette ingredients in a glass jar with secure lid. Shake vigorously to mix. Combine lettuce and peaches in a large bowl. Pour desired amount of dressing over ingredients to coat. Top with burrata and sprinkle with granola. Enjoy!!
Serves 4-6.